The Gardening Notebook

Do you read gardening books and think, “Oh, I need to remember that”?

And then later can’t remember what you were supposed to remember?

Do you take care to write down what you planted and harvested one year only to not be able to find the paper the next year?

When you have a question that you used to know the answer to, do you have to go through several books or internet searches to find the answer? All the while thinking, “I’ll remember it this time.”

I used to do this all the time. Since I’m somewhat of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda girl, it only mildly bothered me, but the more I fruits and vegetables I planted the more it bothered me. So I began keeping a gardening journal. It helped me be a better gardener. 

Garden journal notebook with garden layout and colored pencils on wooden table.

After weeks of gathering all my random pieces of paper, notes, and garden journal entries, I put them all together in a notebook. Then, my husband mentioned that other gardeners would probably like a copy. 

And so we began the work of making a gardening journal in notebook form that would work for any gardener. 

The Gardening Notebook is custom printable garden planner and garden journal to help you keep track of everything that is important to you in your gardening. The more you add to it, the more you it becomes.

The Gardening Notebook printable journal

The Gardening Notebook contains the following:

  • How to begin gardening
  • Enriching the garden (soil, compost, etc.)
  • Monthly garden calendar
  • How to find your frost dates
  • Planting by frost dates calendar
  • Local resource contact page
  • Garden expense worksheet
  • Seed and plant purchase record
  • Seed sowing record
  • Garden layout pages
  • Pests, problems and solutions worksheet
  • Book list record
  • Monthly garden journal
  • Resource list
  • Lots of space for you to make notes of what is important to you
  • Blank plant profile page to help keep track of specific plants and varieties
  • Blank plant worksheets to fill out for the vegetables, fruits, herbs and ornamentals not already included

There are also worksheets with tips for growing vegetables, fruits, herbs and ornamentals – with plenty of room for you to write your own notes from your own research. Just print what you need, when you need it!.

The Gardening Notebook will help you keep all the important information in one place so that you will have more time to spend in the garden.

What other gardeners are saying about The Gardening Notebook…

The Gardening Notebook is a resource that will give you basic information on many vegetables with ample space for recording your garden specific experience from which to learn and apply year after year. I highly recommend this source to novice and experienced gardeners alike to cultivate good record keeping skills that will pay off in better growing habits and garden yields in the future.”
Kathie from Homespun Seasonal Living

…this book is full of printables – and I was blown away by the thoroughness of all Angi’s included! There are pages for recording the seeds you have and need to buy, a place to keep a record of the seeds you started, plants you have, and varieties you want to try. Additionally, pages at the beginning will help you determine why you garden and record the specifics of your corner of the world (like your last frost date – wouldn’t that be awesome to have in one place to refer to?) as well as create a garden plan.”

Jami from An Oregon Cottage

What a fun resource! It’s full of helpful gardening information, as well as loads of nice printables to help us get organized for this year and for years to come.”

Laura from Heavenly Homemakers

More time in the garden, better organized gardening plans and a more productive garden for only $12.97

**This is a digital item**

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